Wills And Estate Planning In
Seaford, De
“A will or testament is a legal document by which a person, the testator, expresses their wishes as to how their property is to be distributed at death, and names one or more persons, the executor, to manage the estate until its final distribution.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_and_testament
Why You Need To Write A Will
Your will is the legal document that will help your family manage your health and property after you pass away or become incapacitated. If you do not have a will, you may be leaving your family confused and scrambling after your death.
In your will, you can divide your estate between your loved ones, leave contributions to other organizations, and appoint executors of your estate. Choose a local attorney for help writing a will in Seaford, DE. An experienced attorney will ensure that your will is legal and binding. They will also ensure that your estate, family, and assets are covered.
Don’t forget to consider your funeral or burial plans when writing your will. This document will be instrumental in planning your services after you pass. Trust the Law Offices of Murray, Phillips & Gay to be your wills and estate planning attorney in Seaford, Delaware.

Appoint A Power Of Attorney In Seaford
rotect your assets at the end of your life by appointing a Power of Attorney, an important legal status that allows a person to make legal and financial decisions on your behalf.
Some people have heard horror stories about relatives using their Power of Attorney status to do harm like emptying bank accounts, selling stock, or collecting debt. Avoid the dangers by setting up your Power of Attorney the right way. Most importantly, set up your Power of Attorney with an experienced attorney to reduce your risk.
Delaware has a new Power of Attorney form that prevents your appointed Power of Attorney from abusing their power. Learn more about how Power of Attorney works in Seaford, Delaware.
Create An Advanced Healthcare Directive In Seaford
An Advanced Healthcare Directive, or a living will, designates your healthcare decision maker in the event that you are unable to make them yourself. This includes making decisions such as prolonging your life with assistance or machines or undergoing risky surgeries.
Without an Advanced Healthcare Directive, your family could argue about your best treatment causing undue stress on them. With the assistance of an attorney, you can appoint a single person to make your healthcare decisions to avoid any confusion and ensure your last wishes are upheld if you aren’t able to communicate.
Learn more about appointing an Advanced Healthcare Directive in Delaware. If you have any questions about the process or how to protect yourself from risks, call the Law Offices of Murray, Phillips & Gay. One of our experienced attorneys will sit down and explain how the Advanced Healthcare Directive process works with you.

Hire An Experienced Will Writing Attorney In Seaford
An experienced attorney with the Law Offices of Murray, Phillips & Gay can help you write your will to protect your future and your family’s future. Get started planning your will if you reside Seaford, DE. Call 302-855-9300 or contact us online for more information about will writing today.
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