Maryland Resident DUI
and Criminal Defense
Lawyers Defending Maryland Residents Arrested In Delaware
If you are a Maryland resident and have been arrested for a crime, DUI or traffic violation in Delaware you have rights that need to be protected. No matter what you were arrested for there is a legal process you will have to go through per Delaware law. Working with a Delaware Criminal Lawyer who is experienced in handling non-Delaware resident cases is a wise decision on your part.
Contact Delaware Criminal Lawyers in the Law Offices of Murray, Phillips & Gay to discuss your rights and options related to your pending charges. We have many years of experience handling Delaware criminal cases and representing those arrested in Delaware while residing in Maryland. The Law Offices of Murray, Phillips & Gay serve the accused throughout all of Kent County, Delaware and Sussex County, Delaware. They have offices in Georgetown, Milford, and Seaford. They can be reached by dialing 302-855-9300. You can also email the Law Offices of Murray, Phillips & Gay.
Common Crimes Committed While Visiting Delaware

Many Maryland residents work, go to school, shop, and vacation in Delaware. While here you may be arrested for any number of crimes, misdemeanors and traffic violations. Common crimes in Delaware are:
All of these crimes and offenses are serious and can negatively impact many areas of your life. Do not wait to call Dover Delaware Criminal Lawyer Ronald D. Phillips regarding your case.
Legal Process For Maryland Residents Arrested In Delaware
If you are a Maryland resident and have been charged with a crime, or crimes, in Delaware you must still go through the Delaware legal process. In some cases, such as minor traffic offenses and first offense DUI DMV hearings you may not have to return to Delaware to appear in court. We may be able to act on your behalf in some cases.
In other, more serious cases such as drug crimes, subsequent offense DUI and felonies you will be required to return to Delaware to go to court. What you were charged with and your previous criminal record will have a great deal to do with whether or not you will have to appear in court in Delaware. We will devise a solid strategy and do his best to minimize the ramifications of your pending Delaware criminal charges.

Contact DE Criminal Attorneys Defending Maryland Residents
Call Delaware Delaware Criminal Lawyers in the Law Offices of Murray, Phillips & Gay to discuss your pending Delaware criminal charges. We will fight for your rights and attempt to limit or minimize the consequences of your pending criminal charges. Call the Law Offices of Murray, Phillips & Gay at 302-855-9300. You can also email Dover Delaware Criminal Defense Attorneys here.
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Serving Sussex & Kent County