Delaware Shoplifting Defense Lawyer
Shoplifting in Delaware is a serious crime that can be committed by anyone. It is commonly a crime committed by juveniles and students but adults can shoplift, or steal, as well. If convicted, the charge can follow you around for many years and affect your ability to gain employment and your academic status among other things.
Your employability can be impacted due to the fact that potential employers may view shoplifting as an act of dishonesty despite it typically being a misdemeanor offense. If you, or your child, has been accused of shoplifting in the state of Delaware you should speak with a Dover Delaware Criminal Lawyer at once.
Contact Delaware Defense Attorneys in the Law Offices of Murray, Phillips & Gay. We have 3 offices in Delaware to serve you. Our Georgetown, Delaware office can be reached at 302-855-9300. You can also reach us via email here.
Delaware Shoplifting Laws

More often than not shoplifting is charged as a misdemeanor in Delaware as items stole from a store or retail establishment are normally small dollar items. For a misdemeanor, you face 30 days to 1 year in jail plus a fine of $575 to $2,300.
If the items taken were over $1,500.00 in value shoplifting can be deemed a felony and you may face jail time. As with many crimes, if you have a prior record the penalties may be even more severe. The penalties for a felony charge are significantly worse than a misdemeanor charge. You need a lawyer to protect you or your child from serious jail time and high fines. You could face bail set between $500-$2,000 and up to 2 years in jail.
Shoplifting laws in Delaware also allow for the merchant to take civil action in a case. The amount of the suit can be for the value of the items stolen or $150.00, whichever is greater.
Shoplifting Defense In Delaware
Many times in a shoplifting case you are caught committing the crime on video or via surveillance camera. That does not mean that you should automatically plead guilty or face the charge alone. A skilled Delaware Criminal Lawyer will devise a defense strategy in an attempt to lessen the charges or work out a favorable plea with the prosecution. As your attorney, Mr. Phillips will get to know you as well as the details of your case. He will convey to the prosecution that you are a good person and may have just committed a one time mistake.
Also, many times shoplifting charges may be coupled with other charges such as being caught in possession of drugs or alcohol. If that is the case Mr. Phillips will attempt to leverage those additional charges in an effort to obtain you the most favorable outcome possible.

Call A Delaware Criminal Defense Lawyer
Call Georgetown Delaware Criminal Defense Attorneys Julie Murray and Ron Phillips at 302-855-9300. You can also email us here. We have an in-depth knowledge of Delaware’s laws as well as how the court system works. Let us put our experience to work for you. We handle all juvenile defense and criminal cases in Kent County, Delaware and Sussex County, Delaware.
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