Memorial Day Weekend In

Even though it won’t be the same this year because of the Covid-19 restrictions, Memorial Day weekend still comes with thoughts of the sand, sunburns, the boardwalk, social distancing, the smell of the ocean, and amazing foods. Along with all of the great things that are associated with our Sussex county beaches, there are some things you want to avoid. Traffic Tickets, DUI’s Disorderly Conduct, and Noise complaints are just a few things that could ruin your trip to our great beaches


While your friendly real estate lawyer may be a great transaction lawyer, criminal and traffic charges are a different animal. You want to find a lawyer who has experience negotiating the ins and outs of the court system and who knows how to put even your simple traffic ticket in the best position to cause you the least headache. For more serious matters, you want to put yourself in the best position to defend yourself and minimize or eliminate the consequences of a criminal conviction.
Luckily, Sussex County has several excellent criminal defense and traffic law attorneys. To determine the best one for you, review their websites, asks your friends, and most importantly talk to the attorney. Ask them questions about their experience, how they intend to address your case, what are your responsibilities, and what are the attorney’s responsibilities? Simply talking to the attorney and asking them questions, even if you can only talk to them on the phone, will often let you know whether you feel comfortable with that lawyer and whether they will be responsive to the needs of your case.

As you would with other important decisions, when you hire an attorney, do your homework. If you have any questions contact Julianne E. Murray or Ronald D. Phillips or call 302-855-9300 (Georgetown) or 302-422-9300 (Milford) or 302-628-9300 (Seaford).




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