How To Get The Most Out Of Your Consultation


Bring all documents that pertain to your case. This will help the attorney know exactly what you have been charged with and what is happening in your case.

Before your consultation, write down notes that outline your legal problem and any questions you may have. It is easy to forget details while you are talking with an attorney. Also, the attorney must have all relevant details to know what is important and determine how to move forward on your behalf.

It is important that you are honest concerning all your legal problems. This includes issues that may be sensitive to you or your family. Remember that the conversation you have with your attorney is private and cannot be discussed with others without your permission.

Your attorney will be ready to discuss fees during your first meeting, so you should be ready to do the same. It is perfectly okay to discuss payment plans with your attorney and make sure you get a copy of the fee agreement for your records.

In order for your attorney to serve you better, you must understand your case and the legal process. Remember, it will be most effective to ask questions at your consultation.

Before you sign any documents, ask your attorney to explain them. If you do not understand the document, ask your attorney to explain it again. Do not be afraid to ask for copies of all letters and documents prepared for your case.

You should carefully consider what your attorney asks you to do. The attorney’s judgments are based on the law and their experience. Although sometimes the best legal advice is not what you want to hear, your attorney makes recommendations that have your best interests in mind.


Ron Phillips,
Criminal Defense Attorney Murray,
Phillips & Gay

We offer free initial criminal consultations at the Law Offices of Murray, Phillips & Gay. To schedule your consultation, please call 302 855-9300 for Georgetown, DE, 302-422-9300 for Milford, DE, and 302-628-9300 for Seaford. Or you can click here.

We have one of the best criminal defense attorneys in Sussex county, Ronald D. Phillips, Jr., a Sussex Central High School graduate with over 25 years of experience representing clients in criminal law. 

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