Delaware is cracking down on drivers who talk or text on their handheld cellphones while driving.
The “Phone in One Hand. Ticket in the Other” driving campaign aims to reduce distracted driving, said Alison Kirk, spokeswoman for the state Office of Highway Safety.
Law enforcement has taken a zero-tolerance stance against drivers seen using a handheld device to text or talk while driving, she said.
Officers have issued over 1,830 distracted driving citations statewide.
“While these numbers are a step in the right direction, there is still much more work to be done,” agency director Jana Simpler said. “we know that even one life lost or one victim severely injured as a result of a distracted driver is one too many.”
Nationally, 3,331 people were killed in crashes in 2011 that involved distracted drivers, and 387,000 others injured.
If you are facing any type of traffic violation charge in Kent or Sussex County, Delaware call 302-855-9300 (Georgetown) or 302-422-9300 (Milford) or 302-628-9300 (Seaford). Or email the firm here.