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Jay Liesner And Team Surfgimp
SPREADING THE STOKE ~ BY RONALD D. PHILLIPS, JR. Last night, I was lucky enough to be able to attend a party to honor my friend Jay Liesener and to
Delaware’s Courts And Legislators Review Heroin Deaths
The availability of heroin is responsible for many overdoses and deaths in Delaware in recent years and has prompted a number of changes in laws. Police, paramedics, and mental health
Drugs And Probable Cause Ruling In Delaware
A June 13, 2016 ruling in Delaware’s Court of Common Pleas can have wide implications in future DUI arrests. Judge Carl C. Danberg ruled that the “exceptionally broad” definitions of
Successful Attempted Murder Defence
Ronald Phillips and Julianne Murray successfully defended a Dover Delaware man facing counts of attempted murder with first-degree assault and lesser charges including offense and possession of a firearm during the
Beach Replenishment – From The Guard Chair
Beach Replenishment – Part II, continuation of “Beach Replenishment – A Perspective from an Old Salt”. I saw Mrs. S standing on the shoreline staring at the ocean looking quite upset.
Beach Replenishment – A Perspective From An Old Salt
In addition to being a Delaware lawyer, I am also a part-time lifeguard with a career that has spanned 32 summers guarding the Delaware beaches as well as a lifelong
Delaware Criminal Law Reforms
Delaware Criminal Law has historically been an area of contradiction when it comes to its politics and how it treats criminal offenders. Delaware has traditionally been a State dominated by
Delaware Attorney Ron Phillips Update
DELAWARE ATTORNEY UPDATE I am Delaware attorney Ronald D. Phillips Jr. On January 1, 2015, I returned to the full time practice of law concentrating once again on criminal defense