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Christmas In Family Court
CHRISTMAS EVE 2014 ~ REFLECTIONS FROM RON PHILLIPS For the first time in my 20 years as a lawyer, I spent this Christmas Eve in Family Court. I am a

Supreme Court Search Warrant Requirement
The Supreme Court is Chipping Away at the Search Warrant Requirement The Supreme Court held on February 24, 2015, that Police can search a home without a warrant even when

Bail In Delaware
Delaware bail guidelines have been provided to help Justice of the Peace Courts impose bail fairly and consistently. Although judges must still use a fair amount of discretion and look

Warrantless Searches Of Cell Phones
WARRANTLESS SEARCHES OF CELL PHONES In June of 2014, The United States Supreme Court announced that the police may not perform warrantless searches of cell phones without a warrant. Riley

Criminal Offenses In Alderman Court
TRANSFERS AND APPEALS FROM ALDERMAN COURT TO COURT OF COMMON PLEAS A dollar makes a big difference in the Alderman Court depending on whether one wants to transfer a criminal

Handheld Cellphone Crackdown Campaign
Delaware is cracking down on drivers who talk or text on their handheld cellphones while driving. The “Phone in One Hand. Ticket in the Other” driving campaign aims to reduce distracted driving,

Juvenile Sex Offender
Registration In Delaware
JUVENILE SEX OFFENDER REGISTRATION IN DELAWARE Juvenile Sex Offender registration is a topic that has been highly debated. In most circles juvenile sex offender registration is a controversial topic which

DE Police Are Running DUI
According to WBOC Channel 16, Delaware State Police are conducting DUI checkpoints on Labor Day Weekend. Before you hit any of the state’s major roadways this weekend, buckle up, pay

Should I Update My Estate Planning?
MISTAKES IN ESTATE PLANNING During the Labor Day Weekend, there is an extra police presence covering the entire State of Delaware. They conduct traffic stops focused on aggressive driving, distracted